
The International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) is the largest publisher of standards in the world. These standards are critical for regulating business practices, manufacturing, service and quality.

When businesses around the world conform to the same standards, management techniques, business processes and production controls, quality, products and services all become standardised.


Quality Management Systems with ISO 9001 certification, the world’s most recognised business management standard, have been adopted across all industry types, from manufacturing through professional service organizations. Some of the benefits include helping an organisation to achieve consistent business processes and drive measurable, cost-saving performance improvements.

Since the first release ISO 9001 over 30 years ago, by ISO (International Organization for Standardization), more than one million organizations worldwide have adopted the principles and achieved certification to the requirements of ISO 9001, Quality Management System.

Today’s version provides organizations with a comprehensive process-focused framework upon which you can build business processes that lead to the successful achievement of organizational objectives.

Organizations that implement an effective business management system create a confidence among their stakeholders in the capability of their processes and the reliability of their products and or services; while at the same time, benefiting from improved risk management. In addition, an effective business management system serves to create the basis for continual improvement leading to increased customer satisfaction and ultimately to the success of the organization.

The ISO 9001 certificate is suitable for all sizes of organisation and is well established around the world as an invaluable quality management system. It is suitable for organisations in all industry sectors and will help your organisation to improve management processes to compete locally and/or globally.

The process encompasses the entire organisation and requires senior management buy-in, it is not just a function of the Quality Department. To achieve ISO 9001 certification your organisation needs to demonstrate that it can meet the regulatory requirements and apply the system effectively to be of real benefit to your customers.

Benefits of ISO 9001

  • Allows you to become a more consistent competitor in your marketplace
  • Better quality management helps you meet customer needs
  • More efficient ways of working will save time, money and resources
  • Improved operational performance will cut errors and increase profits
  • Motivate and engage staff with more efficient internal processes
  • Win more high value customers with better customer service
  • Broaden business opportunities by demonstrating compliance

The principles upon which ISO 9001:2015 is based include:

  • Customer Focus
  • Leadership
  • Involvement of People
  • Process Approach
  • System Approach to Management
  • Continual Improvement
  • Factual Approach to Decision Making
  • Mutually Beneficial Supplier Relationship.



Your Gateway to Food Safety

A preventive system recognised and respected by the scientific community as well as international food quality organisations as the most effective approach to the manufacture of safe food.


The certification is designed to prevent problems before they occur and to correct them as soon as they are detected.

A process control system that identifies and prevents microbial, chemical and other hazards in food. Potential food hazards could be biological (microbes); chemical (toxin); or physical (adulterants).

All the available Food Safety Systems are based on Codex Principles & HACCP

Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point is a seven-step logical tool develop a food safety plan.

Requirements to enable a HACCP plan

  • Describe the product
  • Identify intended use
  • Construct process flow diagrams
  • Conform the flow diagram with actual situation

Principals of HACCP

  • Identify potential food safety hazards.
  • Identify critical control points.
  • Establish control limits
  • Establish monitoring points.
  • Establish corrective action.
  • Establish effective record keeping procedures.
  • Establish procedures for verification.

Here are 10 ISO standards and what they mean for your business.

1. ISO 9000 - Quality Management

Quality is critical to remaining competitive in any industry. The ISO 9000 family is the quality management standard, and comprises of some of ISO’s best-known standards.

ISO quality standards guide companies and equip them with the necessary tools to continuously improve quality and ensure that customer demands are always met. ISO 9001:2015 is the only standard in the category that you can be certified to, and lays down the criteria for a quality management system.

2. ISO / IEC 27000 - Information Security Management Systems

Information security is at the fore of global attention, with rapid increases in cyber threats. The 27000 category of standards ensures the safety of information assets.

These standards help organisations manage the security of assets such as intellectual property, financial and employee data, and information held in trust for third parties. ISO/IEC 27001 is the most popular standard in this category, and stipulates the specifications for the implementation of an Information Security Management System (ISMS).

3. ISO 14000 – Environmental Management

This is a family of standards that provides the necessary tools and guidelines for companies to manage their environmental responsibilities. ISO 14001 and all other standards in this category lay emphasis on environmental systems.

These standards use tools such as audits, communications, life-cycle analysis and environmental challenges. This standard can be used by any organisation regardless of the industry.

4. ISO 31000: 2018 - Risk Management

Today’s business world is riddled with uncertainty. Risks facing companies have a direct impact on the economic performance, reputation, as well as safety and environmental outcomes.

ISO 31000 cannot be used for certification purposes, but it provides a framework for managing risks. It offers guidance to organisations for internal and external audit programs, and enables organisations to achieve objectives in an uncertain environment by facilitating the identification of opportunities and threats.

5. ISO 50001: 2018 - Energy Management

ISO 50001: 2018 provides guidance for companies in implementing an Energy Management System (EnMS) that aims at improving efficiency in the use of energy.

This aims to reduce an organisation’s energy footprint by minimising greenhouse gas emissions. ISO 50001 is not obligatory, and many organisations implement it solely to comply with stakeholder expectations.

6. ISO 26000: 2010 - Social Responsibility

Though organisations cannot be certified to ISO 26000, the standard provides guidance on how organisations can embrace social responsibility. It clarifies what social responsibility entails for organisations to lay a framework for effective action.

7. ISO 28000: 2007 – Specifications for Security Management Systems for the Supply Chain

This standard stipulates the requirements for a security management system in respect to a supply chain. It is applicable to all types of organisations and provides guidance on all activities controlled by companies that affect supply chain security. It is crucial in the management of supply chains in manufacturing, service, storage, and transportation.

8. ISO 37001: 2016 Anti-Bribery Management Systems

Bribery is a menace in today’s business world. This standard stipulates the requirements and provides guidance in establishing, implementing and continuous improvement of an anti-bribery management system. It can be a stand-alone system or can be implemented into the overall management system.

This standard is applicable to all types of organisations with respect to bribery and helps prevent, detect and respond to bribery and comply with anti-bribery laws.

9. ISO 45001 – Occupational Health and Safety

Occupational injuries and diseases impact the economy negatively due to poor health, early retirement and high insurance premiums. To manage this problem, ISO has developed ISO 45001. That has replaced or taken into account international standards like OHSAS 18001 and IL-OSH guidelines. It provides a framework for employee safety, reducing workplace hazards and provide safer working environments.

10. ISO 22000 – Food Management Systems

This standard facilitates the development and implementation of a food safety management system. It incorporates a wide array of standards, including 22002 for food manufacturing and 22001 for food and drink. This standard is widely used by food manufacturers, restaurants, and food transportation services.